Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

This week in art class, the kindergarteners drew themselves in their Halloween costumes.

There were some good ones: a doctor with blood dripping on his green scrubs (great idea, Devyn!) a bride in rainbow stripes ("I don't have a white crayon") and a whole lot of monsters, supergirls, and hulks. And their renderings of people are really fun. At this age, they range all the way from blobs with arms coming out of them to full-size people with all the accessories.

Kalyn is holding a pumpkin, and her dressed in a flapper costume (includes Mom).

Monday, October 20, 2008

Art at the New Iberia Library

Last week, I had 2 drawings in an art show at the library- the ladies at the checkout desk gave me an entry form. I think they've seen me surreptitiously drawing library patrons. The artwork was to be based on old photographs in the library collections. There was a reception last Tuesday, where we all got to chat. This was very fun, meeting some local artists. They favor realism. Many of the entries were by children. Mine didn't photograph well, so I'm going to post one of theirs.

We are getting back on the boat this week after a long separation. Lots of negotiation going on with the boatyard.