Friday, September 20, 2013

The bread goddess:  the other day Gretchen from Infinity came over with her bread-making tools.  We made:  pain au levain, pain a l'ancienne, and rye bread.  I didn't realize how gentle you need to be with bread, and how attentive- there are many steps.  And next time, you'll want to remember what you did wrong.  It requires something of a mad scientist temperament.

Friday, September 13, 2013

The veggie boat!  always happy to see the veggie boat.  This is Geraldo and Co.  This time they had fruit, veggies, and eggs- no chickens, though.  We're stocked now for the week.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Getting back to the basic blogging categories:  cute children, exotic sea creatures, brilliant sunsets.  These girls were between classes in Nargana, and happy to play on the iPad with me.  Actually, four of them were spinning in circles trying make themselves dizzy, but when I tried to take a picture, they sat down politely and posed.