Monday, December 31, 2012

happy new year from red frog beach

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Sea Cloud, a lovely cruise boat that pulled in yesterday.  They use serious-looking survival craft to ferry passengers around the harbor.

Originally a private yacht built for E.F. Hutton, Sea Cloud (then Hussar II) was transferred to the Coast Guard and then to the Navy during World War II. Following the war it was returned to private ownership and served as a yacht for numerous people, including as the presidential yacht of the Rafael Trujillo. The ship currently sails in Europe and the Caribbean as part of the Sea Cloud fleet of Hamburg, Germany.

Sea Cloud.jpg

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Creature of the day:  Bridled Burrfish, Chilomycterus antennatus

Photos online do not capture the cuteness of this fish.  It hovers like a small helicopter, with its pectoral fins whirring.  I saw it in the mangroves near the boat, with local fishermen out there every day.  It's in the same family as blowfishes- so probably not very good eating.