This weekend we didn't do anything much- it was very relaxing. Saturday morning, we strolled downtown and visited Shadows on the Teche, the original house here built by the Weeks family. It has frontage on the Bayou Teche, but their land stretched back for miles into what became New Iberia.
The serpentine Bayou Teche was the Mississippi three thousand years ago. Our mighty efforts keep it on its present course- but it really wants to come back this way.

Good news about your relocation and the progress on the boat. (But where are the torpedo tubes and the mounts for the .50 cals?) Agreed about Bayou Teche: the plantation is a beautiful place, despite the unmitigated evil of the system that made it possible. The art work Joyce has posted is wonderful. Thanks for making it available on your site. And albeit belatedly, happy birthday, Joyce. We miss you. Work on the cabin at Sea Ranch is, if anyhthing, slower than work on the boat. Charlie is off to UC Merced in a month. Everyone else is doing well. Leslie ahs done a great job fixing up the Greenbrae house to sell; too bad the market is in the tank. And it really is in the tank.