Monday, July 27, 2009

New Orleans museum has a great African collection- and other fun things. There were some films of Marcus Coates, a British performance artist, that we both liked. We also met a couple of well-dressed local ladies who discussed perfume with me- they had just come from a garage sale where one scored an unopened bottle of Bucheron for $6.00!

We spent the night, had dinner at Cochon, and generally reveled in not being home. David sent us off to his fave brunch place, but it was so crowded we were forced to have pizza for breakfast instead.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Air conditioner

About a year ago we got this 20kw generator at a great price in Morgan City. All the other boats down here had gensets about that size, so I figured that was the unit for me. Now a year later I'm ready to fire the puppy up and I get around to reading the instructions. They tell me that to break it in and seat the piston rings properly, I need to load the generator to at least 75% of capacity for the first 100 hrs, so I sit down to do the math. Seems this little guy will light up a small town, no way do I have enough electrical appliances to draw that much power, so off we go shopping for the air conditioner from hell. The electrician shows up Monday to start wiring up the boat and hooking up the AC and even with that he'll have to add some temporary resistors to get the load high enough. The hydraulics and controls are coming along and it's been raining now and then and that brings the temp down a little. All in all things are moving along nicely.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

church in Lydia

att. Muz: this was not made with the Church Sign Generator

Another one of Joyce's wacky church signs

Been working away at the boat, but at a slower pace. John has been having trouble with his heart meds and we decided to cut back to 4 hrs a day. The hydraulics and controls are coming along and I'm getting ready to fire up the generator. We decided to put a large air conditioner and heater on the roof since we have power to spare and it's not good to run a diesel generator without putting a load on it. Joyce is starting to have nightmares about drowning in a terrible storm so we must be getting close.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Look at those gorgeous clouds!  It's rained every day so far this week - once nearly sinking the dingy before we noticed.  It's actually possible to venture outside during daylight hours.

Friday, July 3, 2009

This guy came down from Fayetteville Arkansas to man the fireworks tent.  His customer wants to see 'just the big ones'.