Sunday, December 4, 2011

It's still so rainy and cool here we're actually wearing pants and- last night- jackets.  We went to a new restaurant across the anchorage- very ambitious for here, with a dining room on the water, a larger restaurant up on the road, and a separate island for after hours.  The owner is an Iranian guy from Laguna Beach, and he's into fabulousity.  He brought a chandelier from an LA theater, all yellow and green mirrored glass, and built a Spanish-themed room around it.  He's got the local kids trained to wait tables, no mean feat.  And he's raising his own lamb.  This is clearly the most interesting game in town, and well worth $27 for dinner.  

a more typical restaurant for Roatan would be-


  1. Love your travelogues, guys.

    I notice that even the lowly Chicken Shack sign is in English. Is that for Cleo's benefit, so she can find her chicken source?


  2. That's "Chiken" not "Chicken", one assumes there is a difference, perhaps in taste, perhaps in the creature which was trapped to produce the dish.
