It's warmer here, with no wind- the sailors go crazy. So far, the water's nice- some coral action, and lots of sea grass. The town of Bocas is wonderfully entertaining, esp. as we recall its 1995 version (before paving). It's now a prime tourist destination, with all the attendant pizza joints, tour operators, and providers of filmy Indian garments. Also kick-ass Chinese hardware stores- thrilling for Lorenzo. We anchored near town to check in, but there are lots of small islands and coves around to visit.
PS- The cats went through a quarantine inspection. Yesterday, a day after we checked in, an official of the port arrived by lancha (piloted by his teenage son). He asked to see the cats- who had already met the immigration crew- and check their papers. Lucky they have papers, from the vet in Key West. He asked a few questions, like how to translate 'domestic short-hair'. They passed. $26.
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