muz on phone (monitoring bird feeders)
lorenzo prepares to shovel driveway
newport, saturday a.m.
Typical winter day in New England: wake, eat cookies, wait for snow plow to come by. Lorenzo shovels front steps wearing flipflops. Jas arrives, tries to plow driveway with car. Jas and L resume shoveling car and driveway. Sufficient driveway cleared to drive for COFFEE. Drive slowly to coffee. Drive slowly to market. Return home; snow plow comes while we are blocking driveway. More shoveling ensues. Drive slowly to ymca: bad timing, children in pool. Drive to Marty and Nancy's in Boston, slowly. Nancy outside in snow gear, clearing a parking space for us. All empty spaces are occupied by lawn chairs- ie, no parking signs. Since yesterday around 2 pm, it's never actually stopped snowing.
Merry Christmas!
mwah! mwah!
ReplyDeleteI really long to spend a bit of time in the snow. Maybe five days -- that should do me for a few years. I miss everything about it -- the way it transforms everything, the feeling in the air, the beauty and silence, the exaggerated intimacy of the indoors, the cold air on my skin.
ReplyDeleteI tried to convince Nick to take the train to Tahoe, but he's totally unsentimental about the snow. It has no appeal to him.
Here? In the 50s and sunny. But rain is on the way. We need it really badly.