Here we are in P town, one of my favorite spots, freezing our asses off in 20 degrees with a 50 mph wind trying to plow me clean off the jetty I got out about 100 ft before turning back. Still it's absolutely beautiful, it just takes your breath away. The sea is dark blue and wild and frothy with white caps as far as you can see.
We go to Newport for Xmas with Joyce's family and then up to Jackman Me. for some serious snow. This is just the play stuff.
Well, the top temperature in Jackman tomorrow is forecast to be 8 degrees F, so I get your drift. That Jackman baseball cap you gave me wouldn't be much use in those conditions!
... but if it's the hard stuff you're seeking, you should watch Nova: Absolute Zero: the Conquest of Cold at 8 pm on Tuesday, on PBS. Minus 460 degrees F!
That program on Nova was fascinating!