Monday, January 4, 2010

We got two bikes on Craigslist here- folding ones.  Delivered to the dock- perfect!  Now we can ride up and down the bike paths and go to the Sanibel Library- omg, the Sanibel taxpayer at work.  This library has everything- a brief survey: puzzle section, free book section, the largest audio collection ever seen.  Meanwhile, Lorenzo's been hanging around the market- also very well stocked.

This is all in the interest of indoor activities:  it's record-setting cold here, and we have more sympathy for everyone buried in snow in the northeast.  But you all have heating in your houses!  (we have heat, but not quite as full-time).  Florida weather reports are all over warnings:  wear a hat!  wear gloves!  wear social security number!  remember, hypothermia is afoot!


  1. Sanibel..... even the name evokes images of both cleanliness and beauty. :-) Happy New Year, guys!

  2. Oh I see! The whole boat thing is a smokescreen. You're actually conducting a secret survey of public libraries! I anticipate future postings even more eagerly.

    Can you include Reading public library in your survey? It's on the Thames and is bike=friendly.

