Friday, April 9, 2010

Blue Angels buzz the Eileen Farrell

They started yesterday and are practicing again today with the full show this weekend.

We're tied up about a mile from the end of the runway at the Naval Air Station, and the Key West airport is just on the other side, so we get quite a display.  The other day the 747 that carries the shuttle came in and you could hear it ten minutes before you could see it- a weird high-pitched whine that kept getting louder and louder till it went right over us at 500 ft.  On a normal day we get a dozen or so F18s doing their usual hotdog stuff.  They are amazing machines.

Adding a customized fighter jet for Alice:  it practices only on Sirius, though.


  1. Better you buzzed than me! I hate those things. Florida is too close. I wish they'd practice on Alpha Centauri.

    I'm more impressed with quiet than I am with machinery -- I guess it's a girl thing.

  2. wow! Let me get this clear - 747 was not carrying a Shuttle when you saw it?


  3. The picture is not of a fighter jet, it's a reconnaissance turboprop. It may be a K-9 Orion! It's certainly from Canis Major, though.


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