yes we have moved to a much nicer quieter more spacious apt. I did the math on what it was costing us to commute from Jeanerette and it came out to 600 a month and the rent here is the same for a better place.

Not much has been done on the boat for the last two weeks as they needed my two welders on a large aluminum crew boat that the Coast Guard cited.

We did pull the engine out and got a lot of cleaning and planning done. After many consults with various mechanics I think we're going to put in a rebuilt 6/71 or 8/71, everyone loves em and they're cheap and available. I hope to get my guys back next week and get moving on the rebuild but living here in La is really sweet. We spent last weekend in New Orleans and this weekend we're going back to Breaux Bridge or Baton Rouge to catch some more music. Looks to me like we'll be here for a few more months but the whole project is looking good and pretty straight forward and fun.
OK, I'm trying again to leave a comment. This will be the second time i've created an account - keep your fingers crossed.
Ok, i don't know why this didn't work before, but sure glad it is now. So, as i said to Joyce in an earlier email I missed a week of reading your blog and am now in the dark. Who are Rose and Abby? What happened to that big pile of demo stuff from the boat? So, you're projecting in 2more months you'll have the boat ready for the water???? you rock lorenzo!