Thursday, August 21, 2008

What Rhode Islanders do for fun


  1. Hi Joyce,
    Can you identify everyone in the photos little more specifically? Who is Kate? I recognized Meg, and of course Muz.

    And who is who in the other photos? Who is holding the camera in the close up?


  2. hi Alice-

    Well, first there's Pippa, with her camera. She's on Jon's boat (Meg's bf).

    Next is Abby with HER camera. Her dad, Jas, is behind her eating cherry tomatoes.

    Then Doug - Elle's husband- taking pictures. Elle is standing in the doorway, and Bridget- their daughter- is lying on the floor. That's at my mother's- we were all watching Olympic swimming.

    Then my mother, who was drawing Kate- Jas and Pam's daughter. She'll be 10 in a couple of weeks.

    Then Kate and Meg.

    I had to rein in the urge to post 150 photos, so they're all making/taking pictures.


  3. Thanks, Joyce. I haven't seen Pippa or Willa since they moved back to New England -- they were just little sweeties then.

    I'm always surprised by how much Elle and Meg resemble one another, though I shouldn't be, since they're sisters after all.

    Glad all are well.

